As a mortgage broker or lender, mortgage leads are a most desired commodity. With a blend of good customer relations, bargaining power and salesmanship, a mortgage lead is quickly converted into a mortgage client.
All mortgage leads are good, whether they are California mortgage leads, Michigan mortgage leads or Texas mortgage leads. Today we will delve into the wonders of Florida mortgage leads.
Florida is the fourth most populated state in America, but it’s long been regarded as an ideal place for retirement. The Sunshine State offers a warm climate year round, attractive to those in their golden years. With an influx of senior citizens living in Florida, and expenses always on the rise, the conditions are ideal for a reverse mortgage boom, making Florida Mortgage Leads more common than even higher populated States.
With many elderly citizens and the need for increased cash flow, Florida Mortgage Leads are often reverse mortgage leads, as this enables senior citizens to benefit from a mortgage that is only offered to those 62 years of age or over. These Florida mortgage leads are reverse mortgages, where the lender pays the homeowner money while the homeowner continues to live in the home.
So long as senior citizens retire in the lovely state of Florida, Florida mortgage leads will continue to increase. It’s the perfect storm of an ageing populous with increasing living costs. As a mortgage broker or lender, Florida mortgage leads will only swell, powered by reverse mortgages that are as juicy as an orange, the State’s second biggest industry.
By Mark Carey
Monday, August 31, 2009
Florida Mortgage Leads

Posted by Syarif at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mortgage Lead
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mortgage Prepayments and Penalties
Regular mortgage monthly payment already covers payment on interest. Any extra or additional payment refers to prepayment. Mortgagor or borrower often asks why I have to pay penalty on prepayment or refinance. Since the mortgage companies loses payment on interest, the mortgagor or borrower needs to pay penalty. The penalty on mortgage depends on the mortgage companies.
Mortgage companies give no penalty on every prepayment for fully open mortgages, while mortgage companies give penalty on every prepayment for fully closed mortgages. As for the partially open mortgages, mortgage companies give no penalty on prepayment with limitations. The mortgagors pay penalty when they exceed limitations.
As a mortgagor, you got three common prepayment privileges. First, annual lump payment allows prepay up to 15% of the original amount of mortgage loans. Second, annual increase on the regular payment allows increase of regular payment up to 15% for the remainder of the term. Finally, double up allows to double regular payment up to the remainder of the term.
Since the mortgagor pays more on top of the regular mortgage payment, the amount of time to repay reduces significantly. For example, the mortgagor saves 2 years and months on $150,000.00 principal, 6.5% interest, 25 year mortgage, and $500.00 additional payment (one time after a year).
By Dennis Estrada

Posted by Syarif at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mortgage Refinancing
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Advantages Of A Fixed Rate Mortgage
The major advantage of a fixed rate mortgage is that it presents a predictable housing costs for the life of the loan. A fixed rate mortgage guarantees that your interest rate stays the same, which means that your monthly principle and interest payments through the entire term of the mortgage remain unchanged. With a fixed rate mortgage, your monthly payments would only increase due to increases in property taxes or insurance rates.
A fixed rate mortgage allows you to budget accurately and enjoy lasting peace of mind. Knowing that your mortgage payment will remain the same month after month allows you to plan for lifes other pleasures, like vacations, college educations and retirement. It's pretty simple, if you don't like risk, then a fixed rate mortgage is right for you.
If the interest rates rise above the fixed rate on your mortgage, you will see the real benefits of the fixed rate mortgage. You can use a Fixed Rate Mortgage to finance primary residences, second homes or investment property, or to refinance your current mortgage. You always know that no matter what happens with interest rates, your payments won't change if you've used a fixed rate mortgage.
In general, fixed rate mortgages are seen as the safer alternative to an adjustable rate mortgage. An ARM is considered riskier than a fixed rate mortgage because your payment may change significantly. If you have an ARM, it may be best to lock in a fixed rate mortgage now, in advance of your current loan adjustment.
By Jeremy Redlinger

Posted by Syarif at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mortgage Rates
Sunday, August 23, 2009
When to Refinance Your Mortgage
Mortgages are easily the most intimidating aspect of home ownership. Understanding how the mortgage industry works and when to refinance your mortgage can be a difficult task. A free mortgage guide can help you decipher mortgages and answer the question when you should refinance.
Mortgage interest rates are still at historically low levels. If you financed your original mortgage at a higher interest rate you could potentially benefit from refinancing your mortgage. Additional reasons for refinancing include lowering your monthly mortgage payment and cashing out equity in your home.
Mortgage refinancing is simply the process of taking out a new mortgage to pay off the first mortgage. Cash out refinancing is borrowing more than the amount due on your first mortgage. The mortgage lender will pay you the difference between the new mortgage and your old mortgage at closing; cash out mortgages are a great way to use equity in your home for home improvement projects or to pay off high interest debt.
There are a number of factors regarding your finances to consider if you are contemplating refinancing.
Has Your Credit Improved?
Are Mortgage Interest Rates 2% Lower Than Your Current Rate?
Has Your Income Increased?
These are all reasons that might prompt you to refinance your current mortgage loan. Improving the terms and conditions on your loan should be one objective if you decide to refinance in addition to the interest rate.
Something that might prevent you from refinancing your mortgage is a prepayment penalty. If current your lender is going to charge you a penalty for refinancing your mortgage this could make it unfavorable with the other expenses associated with refinancing your mortgage loan. You should do you homework and research lenders to find out if refinancing is right for you; a free mortgage guide can help you decide how much you will save and which mortgage loan is right for you.
By Louie Latour

Posted by Syarif at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mortgage Refinancing
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